Monday, August 13, 2012

Stars of the evening - sunday!

 After a very long day yesterday we allowed ourselves a long breakfast this morning and left the camping site on the mountain at ten. Heading downhill and through crowded Fukuoka, around 25km, took us longer than expected, one of the reasons being rain. Rain in Japan is very normal at this time of year and unlike the long, dark Scandinavian days of rain, it proves to be very short, strong and cooling in the extreme humid heat that we otherwise bike in.
When we arrived at our new campsite we almost immediately hopped on a bus back to Fukuoka congress center.
In honour of our Peace Bike Tour, the Japanese hosts organised a symposium in which Alex held a great speech on the Nuclear Chain. The steps in this chain are: Uranium mining, transport to country/place of use, enrichment, processing to nuclear energy or nuclear weapons and finally the nuclear waste. Alex told the audience that every single step of nuclear energy is harmful for peoples health. His presentation was well received by the audience and many interested and concerned questions were asked afterwards.
After the presentations, a panel discussion was held with Ryoma sitting in a panel with three other persons from completely diverse backgrounds. We enjoyed being treated as VIPs during the symposium. Entering the room with music everyone was clapping and we had to smile and wave. ;-) It has been a very fruitful evening for the audience as we perceived it and we enjoyed that they supported our cause. We are working on a proper internet connection to be able to upload pictures, but unfortunately for now you have to live with the text. Yours, Alix


  1. Waiting, impatiently, for the pics then. Auf wiederhoeren

  2. Yes, more pictures! Or do we have to wait for the Congress to see them :). Good luck everyone!
